Rina Kay

I’m Rina Kay, a Cypriot singer, songwriter and producer. I was born and raised in the capital city of Cyprus; Nicosia; and I’ve always been interested in music from a really young age. My childhood dream was to pursue a music career and travel the world. Eventually, in 2018 I started taking music classes, I found my artist name and I started working on my dream at the age of 12.

After experimenting with different music genres and styles, I focus on the Pop / Hip-Hop / R&B genres. Eventually, I wrote my first song and I made my first release as an artist in 2022. What inspired me to write my first song was my first love and the feelings I felt back then. Through the next couple of years, I kept releasing more music and my two albums “Santorina” and “222” (EP Album). My music is a mixture of Balkan Pop, so I aim to spread the Balkan sound worldwide.

My plans for the future are to collaborate with other artists around the world, and someday to be able to represent my country at the Eurovision.

Lives in: Nicosia